Best WooCommerce Plugins

Searching for the best WooCommerce plugins? In today’s post, we’ll explore some of the best WooCommerce plugins to help you manage your store more effectively and boost your sales.

WooCommerce is a highly flexible and powerful eCommerce platform that allows you to transform your WordPress website into a fully-functional online store.

While the core WooCommerce plugin contains all the essential features required to run an eCommerce site, there are several add-on plugins that you can install to supercharge your online store and improve your customer’s shopping experience.

Why Use WooCommerce Plugins

Here are several reasons why you might want to use WooCommerce plugins:

  • Additional Functionality – Plugins can add a wide range of features that are not included in the standard WooCommerce package. This can include anything from additional payment gateways, shipping options, marketing tools, SEO tools, to subscription capabilities, and much more.
  • Customization – Plugins can help you tailor your WooCommerce store to fit your specific needs or the needs of your industry. They can help you add and modify functionalities in a way that’s unique to your business, thereby enhancing the customer experience and meeting your business objectives.
  • Scalability – As your online store grows, you’ll likely need more sophisticated functionalities. WooCommerce plugins can help you scale your operations smoothly. They can add features like better inventory management, more advanced reporting and analytics, and improved site performance.
  • Ease of Use – Most WooCommerce plugins are designed to be user-friendly, with straightforward installation and configuration processes. This allows even non-technical users to add complex features to their eCommerce sites.
  • Cost-Effective – Many plugins are free or have a reasonable one-time or subscription cost. This makes them a cost-effective way to add advanced functionality without the need for custom development.

Best WooCommerce Plugins

1) WooCommerce Subscriptions

WooCommerce SubscriptionsWooCommerce Subscriptions is a premium plugin that allows you to create and manage products with recurring payments. This can enable your customers to subscribe to your products or services and pay on a regular basis. It’s ideal for businesses offering subscriptions for products like magazines, memberships, e-learning materials, and more.

2) YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

YITH WooCommerce WishlistThe YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin allows customers to create wishlists and save their favorite products for later. Customers can share their wishlist with friends, promoting your products to potential new customers. This can help increase your sales and customer engagement.

3) WooCommerce Product Add-Ons

WooCommerce Product Add-OnsThe WooCommerce Product Add-Ons plugin allows your customers to customize their purchases. You can add additional options to your products that customers can select during checkout. These could be add-ons, upgrades, or other custom features and services that enhance the original product.

4) WooCommerce Advanced Shipping

WooCommerce Advanced ShippingShipping can be a challenging aspect of running an eCommerce business. With WooCommerce Advanced Shipping, you can create your own shipping rates based on predefined conditions. You can customize shipping costs based on factors like weight, quantity, and location, among others.

5) WooCommerce Customizer

WooCommerce CustomizerWooCommerce Customizer allows you to easily customize various aspects of your WooCommerce store without needing to write any code. You can modify buttons, labels, and much more, allowing you to fully align the look and feel of your store with your brand identity.

6) WooCommerce Multilingual

WooCommerce MultilingualIf you’re selling to a global market, it’s vital to ensure that your store can cater to customers from different regions. WooCommerce Multilingual is a plugin that makes your online store multilingual-ready. This plugin allows you to translate your product and other WooCommerce pages into multiple languages.

7) MailChimp for WooCommerce

MailChimp for WooCommerceEmail marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing strategies, and MailChimp for WooCommerce allows you to leverage this channel to the fullest. With this plugin, you can integrate your WooCommerce store with your MailChimp account, making it easy to send targeted email campaigns to your customers and subscribers.

8) WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing SlipsThis plugin allows you to automatically add a PDF invoice to the order confirmation emails sent out to your customers. It also includes a basic template that you can customize to match your brand.

9) WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration

WooCommerce Google Analytics IntegrationUnderstanding your customers’ behavior is crucial for your eCommerce success. The WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration plugin allows you to track your customers’ behavior on your store, providing you with valuable insights that can help improve your marketing strategies.

10) YITH WooCommerce Quick View

YITH WooCommerce Quick ViewCustomers appreciate convenience and speed when shopping online. YITH WooCommerce Quick View allows your customers to quickly view product details in a popup without leaving the current page, streamlining their shopping experience.

11) Booster for WooCommerce

Booster for WooCommerceThis is a multipurpose plugin that offers a variety of features. It allows you to customize your WooCommerce store in many ways, including changing currency, modifying the Add to Cart button, and setting global discounts.

12) WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor

WooCommerce Checkout Field EditorWith this plugin, you can customize the fields on your WooCommerce checkout page. You can add, edit, or remove fields to make the checkout process as straightforward as possible for your customers.

13) WooCommerce EU VAT Compliance

WooCommerce EU VAT ComplianceIf you sell goods in the EU, this plugin is invaluable. It helps you maintain VAT compliance by automatically detecting your customer’s location and applying the correct VAT rate at checkout.

14) WPForms

WPFormsWPForms is a powerful form-building plugin that integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce. It allows you to create custom forms for your online store, such as contact forms, feedback forms, and more.

15) Fox Currency Switcher

WooCommerce Currency SwitcherThis plugin allows your customers to switch currencies and get real-time conversion rates in their local currency. It’s crucial if you’re serving customers from different countries.

16) WooCommerce Direct Checkout

WooCommerce Direct CheckoutWooCommerce Direct Checkout aims to simplify the checkout process, leading to an increase in conversions. By skipping the cart page, it allows customers to go directly to checkout after adding their items, speeding up the overall purchase process.

17) YITH WooCommerce Compare

YITH WooCommerce CompareYITH WooCommerce Compare allows your customers to compare different products in a table layout that highlights differences and helps them make a decision. It’s ideal for stores with many similar products.

18) WooCommerce Menu Cart

WooCommerce Menu CartWooCommerce Menu Cart installs a shopping cart button into the navigation bar of your store for easy access. This gives customers a clear and immediate path to view their current cart and checkout.

19) WooCommerce Social Login

WooCommerce Social LoginThis plugin allows users to log in using their existing social media accounts like Facebook and Google. It not only makes it easier for customers to register and log in but also helps increase conversions and sales.

20) WooCommerce Products Slider

WooCommerce Products SliderThis plugin lets you showcase your products in a neat, eye-catching slider format. It’s responsive, touch-enabled, and highly customizable.

Other WooCommerce Plugins Worth Trying

21) WooCommerce Product Filter

The WooCommerce Product Filter allows your customers to filter products by various attributes like price, popularity, rating, and more. This enhances the user experience by helping customers find exactly what they’re looking for.

22) Stripe for WooCommerce

Stripe for WooCommerce integrates your WooCommerce store with the Stripe payment gateway. It allows your store to accept payments directly, ensuring a smooth checkout experience for your customers.

23) WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates

This plugin lets you advertise Amazon products on your WooCommerce store and earn advertising fees from qualifying purchases. It also comes with features like product stats, automatic content spinner, and geotargeting.

24) WooCommerce Bulk Discount

If you want to offer bulk discounts on your WooCommerce store, this plugin is a perfect choice. It allows you to set up different types of bulk discounts and pricing rules based on product categories, quantities, and user roles.

25) WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

This plugin allows you to manage and create promotional pricing and discounts across your online store. You can set dynamic pricing rules based on products, categories, and cart contents.

26) WooCommerce Gift Cards

With the WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin, you can sell gift cards on your store and allow customers to gift them to their friends and family. This can also encourage repeat visits when they return to spend their gift cards.

27) WooCommerce Follow-Ups

Follow-Ups allows you to automate emails for customer engagement. You can send post-purchase follow-ups, reminders, and customized offers to keep your customers coming back.

28) Beeketing for WooCommerce

Beeketing is an all-in-one marketing platform for eCommerce websites. The plugin includes multiple marketing features to optimize conversion rates, increase average order value, prevent cart abandonment, and boost online sales.

29) TrustPulse

TrustPulse leverages the power of social proof to instantly increase trust and conversions. With this plugin, you can show real-time activity on your site to influence others to take the same action.

30) WooCommerce PDF Vouchers

This plugin allows you to sell voucher codes that can be printed and redeemed in person. It’s perfect for stores offering bookings, reservations, or ticket-based events.

31) WooCommerce Point of Sale (POS)

WooCommerce Point of Sale (POS) is a plugin that allows you to use your WooCommerce store as a point of sale to sell your products in physical stores, ensuring seamless integration between your online and offline sales.

32) Algolia for WooCommerce

Algolia for WooCommerce enhances your site’s search functionality, offering users a fast and relevant search experience. It includes features like typo-tolerance, synonyms, and language detection.

The right combination of plugins can drastically enhance your WooCommerce store’s performance, usability, and customer satisfaction. Remember, the plugins you choose should complement your business model, and assist in streamlining your operations, without overly complicating your workflow.


While WooCommerce provides a solid base for an online store, using the right set of plugins can significantly enhance your eCommerce capabilities.

By integrating these tools, you can provide a better shopping experience for your customers, streamline your operations, and ultimately increase your sales.

Always remember to choose plugins that align with your business needs and goals.

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