Best Membership Plugins for WordPress

Are you looking for the best membership plugins for WordPress? If you’re looking to add a membership feature to your WordPress website, you’ll need to choose from many quality membership plugins.

WordPress is one of the most flexible and user-friendly platforms for building a website. One of the things that make it so versatile is its extensive collection of plugins, which can be used to add an array of functionalities to your site.

Let’s take a deep dive into some of the best options.

Why Use A Membership Plugin for WordPress

A membership plugin for WordPress can be an excellent tool for those wanting to create a membership or subscription-based website. It offers a host of features and benefits, such as:

  • Restricted Content – This is one of the primary reasons to use a membership plugin. It allows you to limit access to certain content on your website. For example, you can have some content freely available to all visitors, some available to users who’ve registered for a free account, and some available only to paid members.
  • Membership Levels – Most membership plugins allow you to create different levels of membership. You can set different price points, access rights, and benefits for each level.
  • Recurring Payments – If you have paid memberships, a membership plugin can automate the process of charging recurring payments. It can handle the different payment plans for different levels of membership.
  • Member Management – Managing members can be a complex task, especially as your membership grows. A good membership plugin can simplify this by handling member registration, profile management, and account settings.
  • Community Building – Some plugins come with built-in social features, such as forums or user profiles. These features can help you build an online community around your brand or product.
  • Content Dripping – Some plugins also offer content dripping, which means releasing content to members on a schedule or as they progress through a course or program.
  • Integrations – A good membership plugin integrates seamlessly with other tools and plugins, like email marketing services, payment gateways, CRMs, and social networks.
  • Security – It helps to keep member information secure and protect premium content from unauthorized access.

Best Membership Plugins for WordPress

1) MemberPress is one of the most popular and powerful WordPress membership plugins available. It offers a simple and user-friendly interface that requires no coding knowledge. With MemberPress, you can create an unlimited number of membership levels, each with its unique pricing, benefits, and access rules.

This plugin provides comprehensive control over your content, letting you restrict access to posts, pages, custom post types, categories, tags, and almost any other files existing in your WordPress installation. You can also manage member subscriptions, send out email notifications, and extend the core functionality with a range of add-ons. MemberPress seamlessly integrates with payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, and

2) Paid Memberships Pro

Paid Memberships ProPaid Memberships Pro is a versatile membership plugin that allows you to set up and manage your membership site efficiently. It supports multiple payment gateways, including Stripe, PayPal, and Braintree, and offers six predefined levels, which you can edit or expand according to your needs.

This plugin offers extensive flexibility with an array of customization options for your membership site. It includes content restriction options, customizable reports, and the ability to offer discount codes. With its PMPro Add-ons, you can further extend the functionality and integrate with third-party services such as Mailchimp and Zapier.

3) Restrict Content Pro

Restrict Content ProRestrict Content Pro offers a professional and feature-rich platform for handling a membership website. The plugin provides multiple levels of memberships, including free, trial, and premium subscriptions. You can set up an unlimited number of membership packages, each with customized subscription levels, access rules, and prices.

Members can manage their account information, upgrade and downgrade their membership, and view their payment history. The plugin also supports prorated upgrades and downgrades, group memberships, and includes robust reporting that gives you valuable insights into your membership site’s performance. It integrates with top payment gateways and numerous third-party services like Mailchimp, WooCommerce, and bbPress.

4) WooCommerce Memberships

WooCommerce MembershipsWooCommerce Memberships is an excellent choice if you’re already using WooCommerce to sell products on your WordPress site. It is not just a standalone membership solution but a full-featured membership solution that’s designed to be integrated into the WooCommerce ecosystem.

You can sell memberships as standalone products or tie them to product purchases. You can also create multiple tiers of membership and even drip content, which means releasing content over time instead of all at once. The WooCommerce Memberships plugin gives you complete control over how users access your content, and it’s seamlessly integrated with the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin for recurring billing.

5) LearnDash

LearnDashIf you’re building an e-learning platform or any other site where your content needs to be structured like a course, LearnDash is an exceptional choice. It’s a WordPress LMS (Learning Management System) that has robust membership functionality.

LearnDash supports one-time purchases, subscriptions, and membership bundles. You can also drip-feed content according to a schedule. It offers a dynamic forum for members and awards badges and certificates based on their performance. This plugin is integrated with popular payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and 2Checkout.

Each of the plugins listed above offers a unique set of features and capabilities. Your decision on the best one should hinge on your specific needs and the functionality you wish to introduce to your website. As a starting point, consider what you want to achieve with your membership site, how you want it to operate, and then choose a plugin that aligns with these objectives.

6) Ultimate Member

Ultimate MemberThe Ultimate Member plugin is a powerful and flexible tool designed to help you create advanced online communities and membership sites with WordPress. It allows users to sign up, login and manage their profiles directly from the front-end, resulting in a more seamless and professional user experience.

With this plugin, you can create custom user roles, restrict content based on user roles, and use conditional logic in your menus. It also offers features like profile and registration forms, user directories, member profiles, user roles, and content restriction. The plugin can be extended with a range of premium extensions for added functionality, such as private messages, social logins, and user reviews.

7) s2Member

s2Members2Member is a feature-rich WordPress membership plugin that can handle multiple membership levels. It allows you to restrict access to selected posts and pages, tags, categories, URLs, and specific sections of content within posts, pages, themes, and plugins. You can sell digital downloads and offer membership as a standalone product or a package deal.

s2Member integrates with PayPal,, and Stripe for secure and reliable payment processing. Its powerful scripting engine and customization capabilities make it a flexible solution for both simple and complex membership sites.

8) ARMember

ARMemberARMember is a one-stop solution for all your membership needs. It offers a broad range of features, including unlimited membership levels, a content drip module, and the ability to restrict content in any way you choose. This plugin also supports one-time and recurring payments, which can be configured for your specific needs.

ARMember stands out with its easy-to-use interface, drag-and-drop form builder, and a wide array of beautiful templates for member profiles, registration forms, and more. You can also use it to create badges and achievements for your members, encouraging them to engage with your content.

9) WP-Members

WP-MembersWP-Members is a freemium membership plugin that comes with all the essential features needed to create a membership site. It blocks all posts and pages by default, making it easier for you to restrict your entire site. However, you can also choose to restrict certain sections of your site selectively.

This plugin has built-in modules that you can enable or disable according to your needs. It also integrates with PayPal for easy payment processing. While the core plugin is free, the premium version offers extra features like the ability to create custom fields, integrate with other plugins, and access premium support.

10) ProfileGrid

ProfileGridProfileGrid is an exceptional choice for those who want to create user groups for different levels of membership. Each group acts as a separate entity with its own set of rules, members, and content. This allows you to segregate your members based on various factors, enhancing the membership experience and organization.

ProfileGrid offers content restriction based on group membership, as well as custom user profiles and user blogs. This plugin is also packed with social features, such as frontend user registration and login, user messaging, and friend system. It even supports WooCommerce integration, making it a great choice for membership sites that also sell products or services.

11) MemberMouse

MemberMouse is a premium WordPress membership plugin that delivers a robust set of features for building and managing a membership site. With this plugin, you can create an unlimited number of membership levels and bundles.

One standout feature of MemberMouse is its “SmartTags” functionality, which allows you to dynamically display content and member attributes. The plugin also offers a one-click upsell feature, making it easy to maximize revenue from existing members. It integrates with popular payment gateways and email marketing services to create a seamless user experience.

12) Magic Members

Magic MembersMagic Members is a premium membership plugin that allows you to turn your WordPress blog into a fully functional membership site. It comes with the ability to create different membership levels, control content access, and manage members.

One unique feature of Magic Members is its Pay Per Post access, allowing you to charge users for accessing individual pieces of content. It also supports content dripping and sequential course delivery. For payments, Magic Members integrates with a wide variety of gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and 2Checkout.

13) YITH WooCommerce Membership

YITH WooCommerce MembershipAs the name suggests, YITH WooCommerce Membership is a WooCommerce-based plugin. It’s an ideal option if you’re planning to sell physical goods alongside digital membership access. You can create membership plans tied to one or multiple products, and when a customer purchases the product, they’ll gain access to the associated membership benefits.

This plugin allows you to set a start and end date for accessing downloadable resources, making it perfect for courses or time-limited memberships. It’s also compatible with the YITH WooCommerce Subscription plugin for managing recurring payments.


Building a membership website can be an excellent way to generate consistent revenue, create an engaged community, or offer exclusive content. WordPress provides a diverse range of membership plugins to choose from, each with unique features and capabilities. The best one for you depends on your specific needs and goals. Always remember to consider your website’s overall functionality, the experience you want to provide your members, and the scalability needs of your site while choosing the right plugin.

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